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Tarot card reading is a form of cartomancy, whereby practitioners use tarot cards purportedly to gain insight into the past, present or future.


Let us take you on a reflective journey to find the answers within yourself by the medium of tarot. You can find more about the cards and their meanings here.


Our readings focus on predicting the issues, roadblocks and action plans for circular waste management initiatives. 


We believe that all the knowledge, tools, and insights to make sustainable changes for a greener future are available right in front of us. The problem lies in implementation and execution, and how these steps are translated into institutionalised systemic changes that stick around for the long run.


We want to understand more about the organisational culture and bureaucratic factors that might be acting as enablers/hurdles to achieving success in the projects started by Green Office at HvA and UvA.


This performative tarot reading works as the first step to get the conversation started. We would love to hear your opinions, suggestions, comments, and ideas. If you have anything to say about your role in the university network, about the many sustainability initiatives, or about anything else, please reach out to us via email or fill the feedback form here!

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